Best of Reddit 2009
List is here. For those who aren’t redditors, the IAMA, AMA/AMAA (I am a …, ask me (almost) anything) community is pretty darn fascinating. In there, people from absolutely all walks of life open themselves to questions from everyone. Some examples:
- IAmA Google search engineer. AMAA (identity has been verified)
- IAmA has-been rock star who sold 5 million+ records and lost twice at the Grammys AMA (identity verified)
- IAMA jury member who caused a hung jury. Two months later, evidence showed the guy was indeed not guilty. AMAA.
- IAMA former Director-General of the World Trade Organisation, AMA (particularly regarding globalization) (identify verified)
- I am a music video Director and Producer who directed Lady GaGa’s first video. AMA. (identity verified)
- I’m a former Disneyland cast member. I was Alice in Wonderland. AMA. (identity verified)
- IAMA quadriplegic. My accident happened when I was 16. AMA.
Some incredible information in there, from people who have been through some very socially taboo experiences to world-famous people.
Oh, although he’s commenter of the year, you’ll want to avoid bozarking’s posts if you have a weak stomach (he seems to have deleted his account, but his legacy remains).