Too scared for school: the plight of Zimbabwe’s teachers 
Mugabe's mobs are now targeting teachers. "Arthur, a secondary school English teacher, was asleep at home in Kumburai village, Mudzi, two weeks ago when 40 Zanu (PF) militiamen smashed into his home. "They asked me: Where are your colleagues?' I said I didn't know and they began to beat me. They said: If you don't tell us, we will kill you.' " He fled to Harare with two other teachers for medical treatment. One of them, Harold, was tortured for seven hours before he escaped. All are in hiding." Absolutely chilling.

Mugabe's mobs are now targeting teachers. "Arthur, a secondary school English teacher, was asleep at home in Kumburai village, Mudzi, two weeks ago when 40 Zanu (PF) militiamen smashed into his home. "They asked me: Where are your colleagues?' I said I didn't know and they began to beat me. They said: If you don't tell us, we will kill you.' " He fled to Harare with two other teachers for medical treatment. One of them, Harold, was tortured for seven hours before he escaped. All are in hiding." Absolutely chilling.