Each frame is 3 minutes apart, from 18-26 April. I must make it out to Japan and see the cherry blossoms one of these Aprils... (although the video is from Brooklyn)
This is an awesome season of Survivor. Warning, spoilers ahead. Highlight the white text below to read:
Jason just got voted out in the second straight episode which sees the idol get taken out of play, unplayed. Very well done by the rest of the tribe – one of the few episodes where a plan plays out almost perfectly. Parvati and Natalie have little to no chance of winning due to putting jury members offside. Parvati especially has royally screwed herself over (getting flipped off by Ozzy at tribal was classic!). If any of the remaining guys get through, it’s quite likely one of them will win (I’m not sure the guys on the jury will like the chick clique girl-power thing going on and James and Erik are both highly likeable), so the girls really need to stick together and vote out the guys. Watch out for Cirie. She’s the queen bee, even though no one in her alliance seems to have recognised it yet. She’s an astute, excellent strategic player. Assuming Amanda stays tight with the guys, her alliance still needs to pull one of the girls across to even the balance of power. Hard to see which one that could be though. Prediction: Eight remain, but assuming the guys don’t go on an immunity idol rampage, this season’s fans vs favourites final five will be its first all female fight. Fantastic. (Although I’m still cheering the guys on!)
Chat transcript:
Alfredo G says (12:39 AM): http://www.alleyinsider.com/2008/4/googles_ginormous_food_budget_7530
Stu says (12:40 AM): i so want to work for them.
Alfredo G says (12:40 AM): lol
i wouldn’t mind
free food
Stu says (12:40 AM): that’s probably why there are so many asians working for them
At work the other day, a colleague and I were looking up something in Wikipedia originating from a query about the Malaysian legal system. I can’t recall the term for when you read a Wikipedia article and then suddenly, a dozen links down the track, you find yourself reading about a totally unrelated but equally fascinating topic. But anyway, that happened. I had wandered back to my office when a few minutes later I got a phone call. The voice on the other end of the line was audibly excited. Trembling even. (Okay no, I made that one up.)
“Did you know…” there was a pause.
“Did you know… that there’s a Jewish autonomous region in Russia?! On the Chinese border.”
“Huh… really?”
Finding it genuinely interesting (for no other reason than it was so randomly weird), I scooted back to my colleague’s office to find them poring over the Wikipedia entry for the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. Which, it turns out, “was the result of Joseph Stalin’s nationality policy, which allowed for the Jewish population of Russia to receive a territory in which to pursue Yiddish cultural heritage within a socialist framework.” And only a couple minutes later we were Wiki-ing the difference between Hebrew and Yiddish.
But anyway, file this one under completely random (but kinda cool). I now resolve to use the word “oblast” in a sentence at some point in the future.
If you sell stuff on eBay Australia, you’ll know that eBay is going to make PayPal the only way vendors can accept payment aside from COD. eBay must have known the backlash they would have got from this, but decided the extra 3% or so in fees they’d reap from forcing the use of PayPal (which, of course, eBay acquired several years ago) would be worth it. They’re introducing it under the guise of “buyer protection”… but of course sellers will probably just pass on the transaction costs to buyers. The ACCC is now looking into the matter to see if it impinges on any competition laws. Pretty poor PR move by eBay in my opinion.
There are also rumours that the iPhone will be launched in Australia in June and will not be carrier locked. It hasn’t been mentioned in any articles, but I wonder if that’s because Apple reckons there’s an appreciable risk that the carrier locking arrangement may breach third line forcing laws?