Analysis: What Bill Gates’ Departure Means for Microsoft
'Eller remembers a company meeting at which other employees were "ragging on Bill" for not devoting more time and money to charity. Gates, Eller recalls, said that from watching his mother's efforts on behalf of the United Way, he knew that running a charity was "real work," and then added: "When I'm older, I will then focus on charity."';_ylt=AgymY3.PspAVKauDBQ0P_Z.s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3cjE0b2MwBHNlYwM3Mzg-
'Eller remembers a company meeting at which other employees were "ragging on Bill" for not devoting more time and money to charity. Gates, Eller recalls, said that from watching his mother's efforts on behalf of the United Way, he knew that running a charity was "real work," and then added: "When I'm older, I will then focus on charity."';_ylt=AgymY3.PspAVKauDBQ0P_Z.s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3cjE0b2MwBHNlYwM3Mzg-