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Jul 04

Thredbo Trip

The skiing was terrific. The consensus among the locals was that the snow hadn’t been this good, this early in the season for over a decade.

We were accommodated at Boloco Station, a large pastoral property almost an hour away from the slopes. Boloco was owned and operated by the grandparents of a mate from school – a wonderfully hospitable, generous and amazingly healthy couple in their eighties. The property has been in their family for many generations, passed down by an unbroken line of first-born sons since Australia was settled by the Brits. The family tradition since then has been to name the eldest son Reuben, and with four living Reubens, it gets quite confusing at times which one people are referring to! For clarity they refer to each other as Ben, Reuben Snr, Reuben Jnr and little Ben.

When we got there, we heard reports that winds had caused the power station at Jindabyne to “fall over” the day before, so we were a little nervous about the conditions at Thredbo. The first morning there was extremely windy, but by lunchtime the wind had disappeared and conditions were excellent. There was a good coverage of snow, but slopes were pretty icy which is normal for Australia I suppose. Also developed a hatred for T-Bars after falling off not once, but three times. On the next day, all the lifts were in operation and we took Karels T-Bar to Australia’s highest lifted point. Shen had the bright idea of going down the black (and closed) Golf Course Bowl run, and we ended up going cross-country across the mountain side. Had a much better run with T-Bars this day, though. Looks like a good snow season ahead, especially if you’re thinking of going at the end of this month or later. Photos here.

This post has 3 comments

1.  Fuzzy

re: the naming convention, in the same style of tradition I’m the 13th Robert C. We’ve haven’t had 4 RC’s alive at once for a very very very long time. We’re only currently running on two and my Dad keeps pointing out that I’d better do something about it soon.

2.  Fuzzy

Oh, I forgot to mention how our family handles the names clash; as a guide every 2nd RC is refered to as his middle name. My grandfather was Robert William and was known to everyone as Bill. My father was known as Robert. I was supposed to be refered to by my middle name but my grandmother insisted that I was too much of a Robert. To handle the name clash Dad has been known as Bob since I was born.

3.  Reuben

Well, I must say the ol’ folks were very impressed with your work, Stu! And I share their opinions.

It was good to see the ol’ shooting car again, it’s just a shame you didn’t get any pictures of the Dalgety Pub!

But some superb work with those photos, good sir. Thought I’d let you know.

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