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Jul 04

New iPod now on sale

Hot damn. The new revision of the 40GB iPod is only $650. $584.10 for students. With free laser engraving till the end of September. I am incredibly tempted to buy one, though I’m still a little concerned about the unreplaceable battery the iPod has. (It costs US$100 to replace a battery. The battery is rated for 400 charge cycles before it starts to charge to less than 80% of capacity. That’s about 18 months with regular use.)

This post has 3 comments

1.  Bonhomme de Neige

Hmm, would charging to less than 80% of capacity be grounds for a warranty replacement?

Since they offer a 3 year extended warranty, doesn’t that entitle you to free replacement if it breaks within 3 years under s74D or s66(2) of the Trade Practices Act?

2.  Stu

I think the threshold they use for warranty replacements is a 50% maximum charge. But if it takes 18 months to get to that stage, then you’ll still have to fork out for an extended warranty. Probably cheaper to get insurance for it (if it’s possible) and do what most people do with mobile phones when they want to upgrade (ie, “accidentally” lose or drop it in the toilet).

3.  eadwine

stu, if u can’t buy one! download one!!

winamp has this skin that looks and “feels” like an ipod haha


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