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May 04

The Apprentice

This series is excellent (Ch 9, 9.30pm, Mondays). Two teams (initially 8 men and 8 women) face off with business-oriented challenges. The losing team has one member fired. The last person standing gets to run one of Donald Trump’s businesses. The first week’s challenge was selling lemonade. The second week was to design an advertising campaign for lear jets. This week involved a haggling exercise to buy all items on the list for the cheapest price possible. The male team has lost all three challenges and is down to five people, but at least they’ve finally canned Sam, who was a bit of a wanker.

(And yes, I am aware that this series has already finished running in the US.)

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1.  Teldak

The show is great, I’d have to agree. It’s the only ‘reality’ show that I’ve really liked and watched somewhat regularly. Sam’s wankery, while, it doesn’t touch Omarosa’s wankery. I don’t want to spoil too much, but there’s a couple interesting things: Everyone was disallowed most human contact outside of work and teammates besides the phone (no paper, no going out on dates, etc; phone was allowed). Omarosa thinks that she is there simply to win, by her own admission, and that making friends doesn’t matter any single little bit.

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