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Apr 04

Oh Wait…

I hope Gmail isn’t an April Fools thing… Today is a bad day to be handing out press releases.

Update: Looks like it was announced a little while ago, so it’s safe. There are other uses for Gmail other than for an online archive of webmail, such as an online hard drive that can be used for collaboration with others (just share the password).

This post has 4 comments

1.  WaD

I can confirm it’s real.

I spoke to someone last week @ google who spilt the beans on this and something else they are working on. A pity he bought my silence with Vendorware.


2.  Stu

Saw the guy’s business card on your site… how did you manage to run into that guy?? And so Google is based in one of the IBM/Nestle towers eh? Didn’t know that.

3.  WaD

Met him by total fluke. Was out drinking, and at one of the bars I saw a Google bag on the ground. I saw the guy who picked it up, and started talking about him being over here on holidays/work…..few mins later, found out he was 1/5 guys locally, a fe their new products, the re-design of the interface etc. Gotta love drunken chatter :) [I’m wearing the google shirt to work tomorrow :) ]


4.  Shish

Google says “Gmail” is no joke, but lunar jobs are

Wrong day to make an announcement like that. :)

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