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Feb 04

I suck at Rise of Nations

There’s a stage in learning every RTS where you go up against another human and come out with a second asshole and thinking, "How the hell did they get so many resources, tech up, build cities and go to war so damn quickly?" I am currently at that stage.

This post has 5 comments

1.  Bonhomme de Neige

I get the same effect playing the _computer_ at C&C Generals and Zero Hour. On medium. I can shitkick most of the humans I play (that being my friends at lans … I’m sure people who play online are a lot better than me .. not that I’d know with %^&ing pair gain dialup).

So yeah, maybe you just need to change games ;p

2.  Teldak

It’s not a stage, for me, it’s a way of life.

3.  BrockLee

The difference between a computer player and a human one is that a human player (if he is any good) makes good use of his time. If you waste yours be assured your opponent is not. When it comes to playing RON it is all about getting to an attacking position before the other player is stronger than you. Also raiding helps if you fall behind. A good tip attack in the 2nd age between 7 and 10 minutes or be ready for an attack.

4.  Fuzzy

Want a game? :P

RoN is all about click speed baby.

5.  Lorentzen

I too am not at the stage, it is my way of life.

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