Hear Ye! Since 1998.
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Mar 03

The Week

Another busy week, courtesy of a couple assignments due this Tueday. Went to trivia at the Paddington RSL on Thursday night and our team ended up winning it (at last!). Problem was that we also tied with two other teams. The prize was split and we ended up with some peasant amount of cash. I started work at Macquarie on Friday. Once again as is normally the case on first days, no computer account had been set up for me yet, so it was a pretty uneventful day. Seems like a nice workplace though. A very enjoyable Friday night was spent at a friend’s farewell party – he’s off to work for UNESCO in Korea for a few months which sounds like a fantastic experience. That’ll sure be an interesting place when the war ends and the focus shifts more back to North Korea, which has all but vanished from front-page news. I returned home to a drinks and card night my flatmate was hosting (and losing) and slept away most of Saturday. More law reading for today. Daylight saving ended this morning, make sure your clocks go back one hour.

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