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Jul 02

Oh Teenage Angst

It reads like it could be put into a paperback novel and sold. Today’s “Diary of Adrian Mole”. That’s probably why I read through most of it. Normally this is the sort of ordinary stuff you’d find in a paper diary, but this is right out in the open which is what I found particularly fascinating… or maybe I just haven’t been well-travelled enough in browsing teenage blogs. I had a bunch of comments to make, but well, I’ll leave it at: You live, you learn. Oh, I’m talking about this site by a smitten 16 year old Singaporean girl with the biggest crush on a 20 year old Nepalese guy, confused about love, sex, her mum and all the rest of the usual things.

Actually, it’s not fair that kids are robbed of their childhood. What kind of childhood do we have now if all there is to life is studying? There is so much more to life than that. I wish people would realise it. A degree is just a piece of paper with ink on it. It’s such a laugh that so much importance is placed on something that would burn if lighted.

Ironic that the site’s title is “They still don’t get it“.

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