Penguin Mints
Remember how I was talking about caffeinated peppermints about a month ago? I ordered a box over the net late last week and they arrived today.
75 pieces a tin, 12 tins. That’s 900 mints. Or 300 Coke cans worth of caffeine. Well I won’t be sleeping for the next… decade. Who needs coffee? :) And absolutely zero nutritional content. I just got told off by dad who reckons caffeine is carcinogenic. He’s probably right, but I don’t think I’ll be downing a tin every night…
Woke up at 6 today. Out of the house by 7, worked from 9 till 4. Uni lecture from 5-7pm. Got back home at 9.15pm. Same next week, except uni will go from 5 till 8. I’m going to be absolutely buggered this semester :/