Hear Ye! Since 1998.
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Feb 00


This excerpt, with a comment about Indian bandwidth, makes my whining about lack of download speed make me sound like a spoilt child:

Another key area for government policy and intervention is the capacity by which their country is able to interconnect with the rest of the world carriers. “India is connected to the Internet by only 6Mbps through four international gateways. While there is no limit to the number of independent ISPs and there is no licence fee to become an ISP, ISPs are obliged to go through VSNL’s international gateways for global connectivity.” (Raju, K. S. 1997). This fact will restrict the ability of local businesses in India to provide competitive services across the Internet, and the sheer issue of capacity and performance will deter many potential customers.

India, of course, has the 2nd largest population in the world. To think, you cable whores have more bandwidth than all of India’s international gateways, combined, had in 1997. Sourced here.

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