MP3 CD Players
Does anyone know of any currently on the market? MamboX looks pretty schmick, but are any “big name” companies producing them? And what about in-car MP3 players?
Does anyone know of any currently on the market? MamboX looks pretty schmick, but are any “big name” companies producing them? And what about in-car MP3 players?
MP3 player Mambox P505 is rellay bad thing. Data get lost when trying to record with voicerecording. All the other MP3-data will be lost also. After that kind of failure it isn’t working anymore. You have to connect it again to a PC to unlock the P505. If I where you I wouldn’t buy it. I regrett that i bought it. It looks nice but works badly.
When recording with the P505 the voices sound like cracking potts. You would not have it for this function. It doesn’t recording good, You can hardly understand what has been recorded. Shame on MAMBOX.COM
When palying the Mambox P505 is start with song 1. When you turn it of and on again it starts again with number 1 and itb doesn’t goes on with the last used song. So you probably never will hear all your songs your will have on the P505. So when you still want to buy it, then only buy bthe 128 Mb and not the 256 MB. Don’t do that, becasue that was alos my mistake when I bought the 256 Mb-version.