School Story
You will never meet a more serious person (not strict, but serious) than our physics teacher. Anyway, one day he was away from class and there was this message on the whiteboard saying “Would a prefect or monitor please mark the role?” Now the way absenteeism works in the school is that one person goes around the classes picking up forms which have the names of people missing from class. Then the school sends out forms during morning assembly asking absent people to go to the office to “explain their absense from class”, and if you can’t, you get a detention. The forms are sent to the House Captains (the school is divided into 16 houses) in the morning to distribute to members of the house. Anyway, one smart-arse goes and marks down our teacher as being absent. This morning, one of the house captains (a friend who just happened to be in the same physics class ;) got a slip of paper with our physics teacher’s name on it. None of us could believe it! Hahahahaha…it appears the school has no idea about checking to see if the name is valid or not, and that all we have to do now is hide the slip and wait for the detention to come around :).