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Aug 98

My ISP – A Small Bit of Useless Trivia

I only just noticed this regarding my ISP’s dial-up hubs. When you dialup, not only do you get an ip-address, but also an equivalent name (like if your ISP is at www.isp.com, you may get an ip of 100.x.y.z, and an equivalent name of dialup14.isp.com – just like web sites have equivalent ip addresses). Now Zipworld’s (my isp) names have been named after SouthPark characters – you’ve got kyle05.zipworld.com.au and stan12.zipworld.com.au, cartman04.zipworld.com.au and so on. Just an observation.

Maybe your ISP has a sense of humour in naming their dial-up name assignments, or even server names. For example, Altavista’s translation service server is given the name “babelfish”, which, of course, is the yellow fish you stick in your ear from Hitch-Hiker’s Guide (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go read the book). My school has named its servers after Biblical characters (xerxes and shadrach etc. :).

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