In the News…
On the front page of the SMH today was a story about two off-duty policemen who got stabbed (one who’s now dead) by two teens (aged 16 and 18) on the street. Allegedly, the two teens were trying to sell off some crack to the policemen, and when the policemen tried to arrest them, one of the teens pulled out a knifed and stabs two of them. The other policemen (there were 3) gives chase, but has to abort because of his wounded companions. Obviously, the teens didn’t give a stuff that they were police (they showed them their badges before they got stabbed). The bastards that exist in the world today are incredible… Well I think the only way to stop this sort of thing is to give the police more power. This may or may not be wise, due to the corruption present (although thankfully much of it has been weeded out), but if you have a society in which police lose their power, and society loses respect for them, then you have a society in deep $#!+.