
Introduction | Census Form | Results | Contact


Reader 197 45.0%  
Owner 158 36.1%
Poster 83 18.9%  

Participation Rates
 Participated   438 100%
 Total 438 100%
   Analysis & Notes
Obviously this survey isn't an accurate representation of how big the community is, but I'd estimate that it easily numbers in the thousands.

How You Got Involved

This is a text dump. All entries have been cut and pasted, as is, into it.


This is a text dump. All entries have been cut and pasted, as is, into it.


If there is any other statistic you think can be derived, or something you'd like to see, mail me and I will see whatI can do to create it. Your thoughts and analyses are more than welcome!

6th July, 2000

Page 1: Demographics - Religion, Gender, Marital Status
Page 2: Demographics - Age, Age Vs Marital Status, Birthdays
Page 3: Technology - ICQ, IM, Connections, Browser Preferences, O/S, Programming Languages
Page 4: Countries - Birth, Residence, Citizenship, Languages
Page 5: E/N - Roles, Motivation